: : M A G A Z I N E
: : REVI 53
Contents: |
The Deuce of the Century Series Fighters – Jiří R.
Moravec looks at the research of the delta planes
and requirements which eventually led to the design
of the F-102. It features 1/72nd drawings of the
Convair F/TF-102 details.
The Saga of Corvette 03 – Col. Darrel Whitcomb,
USAFR, provides a detailed analysis of the nonrescue
of an F-15E crew downed over Iraq in January 1991
and explains why SAR operations may sometimes fail.
Photo-album 1939 - 1945 – two pages of the Ju 87
Stuka photos.
One of “The Few” – Part 2 of the article describing
the service of S/Ldr Vlastimil Veselý with No. 68
Squadron and his complicated fate after the war.
7. Staffel over Malta – Part 1 explains the reasons
of the deployment of 7. Staffel JG 26 in the
Mediterranean and the operations of this very
successful unit in February 1941.
Colour Section
1 colour profile of an Italian Ju 87 B-2 evaluated
by the RAF in 1941
2 pages of the CH-53E walkaround photos (interior
and powerplant)
2 pages of photos capturing the CH-53E and MH-53J in
an A3 photo of an A-4E of VA-212 with two insets
4 colour profiles of an F-102A, QF-102A and TF102As
a page of F-102A walkaround details (the Evergreen
Museum example)
4 profiles of Mirage IIIs
4 colour profiles of Bf 109 Ds
a three-view of a No. 68 Squadron Beaufighter Mk.VIF
plus a profile of a Hotspur Mk.II
4 colour photos of P-47Ds