: : M A G A Z I N E
: : REVI 54
Contents: |
- the Deuce of the Century Series Fighters – Part 2
of the article describing the development and
evaluation of the F-102; it features 1/72nd drawings
of the Convair F/TF-102 details.
- Svìtlík Versus Kiefner – a dogfight fought by
Czechoslovak and German fighters over Belgium on
March 23, 1944. Jan Bobek contacted both
participants, studied reports, documents and other
materials to in order to clarify circumstances in
which Lt. Kiefner had been shot down.
- the POTUS’s Protective Cage – the history as well
as today’s life of HMX-1 – the largest USMC
permanent squadron. Its helicopters also provide
transportation for the U.S. President and other
- photo-album 1914-1918 – Flik 63J Phönixes (4
- the Divine Mountain – Part 1 of Martin Ferkl’s
article describing the development and combat
deployment of the Nakajima B6N Tenzan “Jill”.
- 7. Staffel over Malta – Part 2 gives an account of
the Staffel’s combat activity from March 1941 to mid
April 1941.
Colour Section
- 1 page of colour photographs of Luftwaffe aircraft
in North Africa
- 1 page of F-102 undercarriage details
- 3 profiles of Morane-Saulnier Ns
- photographs of HMX-1 helicopters
- 2 colour plates of Spitfire LF Mk.IXCs and one of
Kiefner’s Fw 190 A-8
- 2 profiles of Tenzan Model 12s
- the B6N Tenzan in Detail – 2 pages of photos taken
at the NASM depository
- 4 pages of CH-46 photos
- 2 profiles of Hurricane Mk.Is and 3 ones of Bf 109
E-7/Ns from the MTO
- 3 profiles of Flik 63J Phönix D.Is